Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Use Vitamins to Help Lowering Your High Cholesterol

Major heart disease each year its 1 million Americans die of heart disease, high cholesterol blood. In the known plays a central role in the biochemical processes cholesterol more cause of high levels of cholesterol in the blood of cardiovascular disease Association.

Konrad Bloch, Feodor Lynen Nobel Prize in Physiology and medicine share the 1964 concerning the regulation of the cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism and mechanism their findings.

Is transported in the plasma depends on cholesterol, sterols (combination of steroid and alcohol), in nearly 60-year-old rising gradually usually in the age of all animals in the cell membranes of all body tissue, the average blood cholesterol, lipids.

In recent years, according to the lipid hypothesis, somewhat imprecise term "bad cholesterol", believed to have a detrimental action, and "good cholesterol", referencing the LDL (low density lipoprotein ) has been used. There is a profitable operation, refer to the HDL (high density lipoprotein).

Set of guidelines of the American Heart Association total serum cholesterol, heart disease and provide. Danger for the desirable LDL level is /dl is considered less than 100 mg. However /dl is considered level the height of the border is considered high cholesterol /dl over 240 milligrams cholesterol 200 239 mg-less well known 1987 report of national cholesterol education program proposal total serum 200 milligrams cholesterol /dl and blood cholesterol you should be.

Associated with formation of a condition known as hardening of the arteries leading cause of other forms of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease considered the conditions oxidized LDL particle concentrations rise and fat deposits on the artery walls.

In contrast, however, LDL particle number low if a high percentage of large HDL particles formation usually fatty deposits in artery walls and low, can be negative to any given total cholesterol concentration.

The animal fat cholesterol: cholesterol. Trace so that the animal food plants including all foods containing animal fat, cholesterol not vegetarians have traces of cholesterol.

Cholesterol also origin diet, cholesterol, unread from unburned food metabolites in the liver liver convert raw converted to low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles they can switch to natural food metabolism low density of very lipoprotein (VLDL) and fatty acids other body cells. Display the unread secreting plasma can unburned food metabolites for affect the amount of cholesterol to seasonal variation in human cholesterol is high winter.

Cholesterol important build and maintain cell membranes to need, membrane fluidity to the manufacture of bile AIDS ( this is stored in gallbladder and fat Digest) over a wide range of temperatures of cholesterol metabolism such as control and fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin A, D, E, and k. also

Heart, exposed many and need to change to reduce the saturated animal fats in their diet to lower cholesterol polyunsaturated fat. Is a good lower increased cholesterol is required for all far from recommended.

Can common vitamins and counter over the high blood cholesterol, vitamin C, lecithin, pectin, garlic, EPA, niacin, plant sterols and other products.

Vitamin C cholesterol deposits within a few hours after the sharp decline in incoming, blood cholesterol levels and patients with artery development of vitamin C to fight are shown.

Take daily when possible securing against lecithin fat clogged arteries.

Limit the amount of pectin, the body can absorb cholesterol. High pectin and Apple counts "one day keep doctor away reason" there.

To reduce the garlic against high fat high blood pressure usually results in the diet.

Lack of heart attack Greenland Eskimo studies Eico-Sapentaenoic acid (EPA) reduced blood cholesterol considerably, many polyunsaturated fat is it also a major trigger. Drop triglycerides. Is one of the most famous source of the EPA even more natural than salmon oil show.

Niacin is closest thing available almost perfect treatment of the correction is coronary heart disease. Niacin blocks fatty fat cells. From niacin plays an important role in the energy production, gene expression, hormone synthesis. Items can't live without niacin to improve functionality of HDL and shift LDL particle distribution of larger particle size tend to be. 3 G is can reduce 26% serum cholesterol intake for 2 weeks as a niacin.

Peanut, flax seeds, plant sterols are found in the proposal to assist the serum cholesterol.

Consult a physician before using this information.

To know how to lower your high cholesterol naturally and safely go to Health Tips and Advices here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are several known reasons for developing great trans fat stages. It should be mentioned however, that sometimes there is a genetic temperament to high-cholesterol.

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