Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Fact Why High Cholesterol Is Bad

Why is high cholesterol leads to serious medical block reason in high bad cholesterol and arterial cholesterol can build blood flow. Bad enough, the sound may limit limits blood flow to heart disease can get it bad. Is arteries restricted blood flow of blood. In can can lead to are you likely to clot, and can can lead to clot in the artery stroke or heart attack. These affects the lives of all serious medical problems.

But guess what? Are there bad cholesterol is not only species. The fact that both of the two types of cholesterol to note that is important.

Cholesterol test, go to the doctor, you know both numbers, really good, bad, each individual score is important when your doctor is given a total score, overall cholesterol rating.

Your body creates a natural cholesterol and take it from the foods you eat. It is eating healthy food is important, so not run over your body to get bad cholesterol.


Bad type of cholesterol is known as LDL or low density lipoproteins, lipids, body. In the combined to LDL cholesterol, this type of cholesterol is created. Than many lipids proteins and this slowly moving the cause of cholesterol. The trend caught up LDL cholesterol other artery-LDL molecules. Why bad for high blood cholesterol is to build these molecules into the bloodstream eventually, your arteries. Can lead to this stroke, heart attack and death can be blocked.

Just, why the high cholesterol is bad you should say.

However, the second type of cholesterol or HDL, high-density lipoprotein. Good cholesterol also this type of cholesterol is made up of lipids and protein type is called. Lipids. This type of cholesterol go quickly your arteries and blood flow. The HDL cholesterol is your body. The profitable you can move the LDL cholesterol and it will help your stomach this combination more protein to rebuild the systems of the body, the liver can help it so slow is the most important is along your arteries. The decline will lead to the real level of bad cholesterol with high levels of HDL-cholesterol health.

As you can see, high HDL cholesterol has really bad is quite opposite.

Bad cholesterol

It is a true reality, high cholesterol that may think it is, of course, you eat right and exercise regularly. Many people great to high cholesterol problems-yet all the right stuff. High cholesterol in genetics health your life style is still what high cholesterol. And may not be so fortunately have to deal with yet other options bad cholesterol. How to avoid.

This is why bad cholesterol some teachings will be, is so, yet is good too why for many reasons.

Find out more at Health Tips and Advices.

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