Friday, July 20, 2012

Read the Guide to High Cholesterol Correctly

Cholesterol and blood circulation. In it's using build cell membranes vitamin D, steroid hormones and Digest fats by the body cholesterol fat-like substances to help. Your liver is your body. Also used in the formation of bile acid used for the rest of your body is creating cholesterol cholesterol most directly from dietary cholesterol and use the fat from the food eaten. Diet high in large amounts of cholesterol your body fat and cholesterol.

Types of cholesterol

There are 2 main types of cholesterol: LDL and HDL. Body hurts low density lipoprotein (LDL). Type of high Ldl cholesterol is associated with increased risk of heart attack lines. High density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. Good because good Hdl type helps the body get rid of their Ldl.

High blood cholesterol

Artery disease characterized by high levels of Ldl in the blood when the blood levels of LDL is usually higher, their cholesterol. These deposits forming plaques. The hardening of the arteries is called plaque formation. Continued growth can continue these plaque growth, reduce deposits lining the walls start through involvement of arterial blood flow. Plaques are stable, even if completely was the involvement of arteries block ruptured. When the arteries that supply blood flow disorders, heart and brain, heart attack or stroke occurs.

Prevalence of

Very high cholesterol (total cholesterol > 240) have high cholesterol (total cholesterol > 200) that 107 million American 38 million American.

Eating a diet high in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol is the most common cause of high blood cholesterol. Lipid in foods with saturated fat increase LDL. Fall cause increase in Ldl and Hdl in trans fat foods cause.


No symptoms of high blood cholesterol.

Risk factors

That can be controlled.

Overweight. At the height of the diet is saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol. Non-active. Uncontrollable smoking.

Age – take the risk of cholesterol increases. Family history-if you were affected by heart disease increases the risk of high cholesterol your parents and siblings early.

Saturated fat and losing weight, eating healthy weight acquisition, trans fats and cholesterol. The low diet exercise and stop smoking.

Cholesterol blood tests measure your total cholesterol, LDL, and fasting test is HDL levels. Also measure other triglycerides this test. Fat in the blood that test the 20 this if your level is higher at least five years. You must check your cholesterol more frequently and older get the execution is. It's a total cholesterol level should /dl at less than 200 mg. LDL should be less than should be larger than the HDL 60 mg/dl and 100 mg/dl. Increase triglycerides, and there should be heart disease risk / DL level less than 150 milligrams of these.


Your LDL cholesterol or triglycerides are high or low HDL need to lose weight, your doctor various treatment options. Recommended that you change your eating habits, start the exercise program, stop smoking, taking the drugs.

To know how to lower your high cholesterol naturally and safely go to Health Tips and Advices here.

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